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Test your knowledge by answering the Python Interview Questions Quiz (Basic Level)

Python Basics Interview Questions Quiz

Test your knowledge by answering the Python Interview Questions Quiz (Basic Level)

1 / 25

What is the output of print(5 + 3 * 2)?

2 / 25

Which data type is used to store true/false values?

3 / 25

How do you create a list in Python?

4 / 25

Which of the following is used to define a block of code in Python?

5 / 25

What is the output of print(10 % 3)?

6 / 25

What does the range(5) function generate?

7 / 25

Which keyword is used to exit a loop in Python?

8 / 25

How do you declare a variable in Python?

9 / 25

What is the default return value of a function that does not return anything?

10 / 25

What is the purpose of the 'pass' statement?

11 / 25

Which method can be used to remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a string?

12 / 25

What is the output of print(type(42))?

13 / 25

What does the 'is' operator compare?

14 / 25

Which of the following is a valid Python variable name?

15 / 25

What is the result of 2 ** 3 in Python?

16 / 25

Which data type is unordered and unindexed?

17 / 25

How do you convert a string to an integer in Python?

18 / 25

What is the use of the 'in' keyword?

19 / 25

Which of the following is a valid way to handle exceptions in Python?

20 / 25

What is the output of print('Python'[1])?

21 / 25

How do you add an element to a set in Python?

22 / 25

What is the correct syntax for creating a dictionary?

23 / 25

What does the pop() method do in a list?

24 / 25

Which keyword is used to import a module in Python?

25 / 25

What is the output of print(len([1, 2, 3, 4]))?

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The average score is 72%



Python Intermediate Level Interview Questions Quiz (Multiple Choice)

By Ram

I am a Data Scientist and Machine Learning expert with good knowledge in Generative AI. Working for a top MNC in New York city. I am writing this blog to share my knowledge with enthusiastic learners like you.

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